Spiritual Consultation

Many times in life we go through hardships that teach us about ourselves if only we could recognize the lesson. In these sessions, I will help you to see clearly, clarify perceived obstacles on your path to spiritual evolution and answer your questions about life. Whether this time is used for clarity, or learning more about life, Yoga, Vedanta, Meditation, Ayurveda, etc. this time is about you, and I will serve as a teacher to help you gain knowledge, clarity, and insight into whatever it is that is on your mind. I am available in person or via Zoom $150/hr.
What to expect:
Once your consultation is set up and paid for, please think about your questions for the session. Thought in this direction will help you to clarify your intention for the consultation allowing for a more productive time together. During your consultation, Chitra will address your questions and issues as they come up. She has a deep fluid connection to “buddhi” (higher self) which allows her to answer your questions from a Macro perspective. When day-to-day questions about career, romance, money, etc. are asked she uses divination cards to help see into your situation with more clarity. Generally speaking, for practical questions, the clearer you are with your questions and the more energy and focus (action) has been made already in a particular direction, the easier it is for her to see how the energy is moving, and for a specific outcome to be seen.
Please have in mind:
- your overall goal for the session
- some general and specific questions
- where you are right now and where you’d like to be